viernes, 23 de abril de 2010


We propose two thematic tracks for participation:

First Track: What theories up to the moment help best explain this phenomenon? How were these theories developed?

This discussion will cover theoretical research and studies across disciplines that relate to youths and violence and the different methodologies applied to analyze youths and violence. In this space, the challenges of how to think of and transform the situation of youths’ in the globalized world will be explored.

Second Track: How has the State, the institutional actors, and social organizations responded to gangs? What has been the result from the perspective of young people?

This discussion will contribute a critical vision of the specific government public policies relating to youths. Central to this dialogue will be how to analyze the experiences of other institutions or social organizations. To realize an analysis of the mentioned experiences from the perspective who implement them like of whom they receive them. The purpose of this second area for axis is to obtain critical and innovative perspectives.

The conference will be end with a Plenary Session entitled: “Plans for social and political action and providing the basic tools for redesigning public policy.” This session will serve as a forum for collective dialog between representatives of the State, researchers, social and youth organizations with the goal of providing input for crafting public policies from the comparative analysis, diverse reflections and interventions from both tracks.



The international conference will take place the last week of October (October 25, 26, 27, and 28, 2010) in Quito, Ecuador, in FLACSO's facilities.

Call for Papers

1. Proposals for papers to be presented must be submitted by May 30, 2010. Proposal must include an abstract of a maximum of 200 words with the title of the paper and summary of your paper presentation in Spanish and English. You should indicate under which track your paper falls. The selection of the presentations will be done by base in these summaries.

2. By September 1, 2010, the final paper must be submitted in Spanish or English. The final submission must be up to 25 pages long, including bibliography, double-spaced, in Microsoft Word, and using citation form consistent with the American Sociological Association (ASA).

3. At the conference, the participants whose papers have been selected will have 15-20 minutes to present their paper on a panel.

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